Mar 10, 2018

Did you know we have the BEST Baby Classes around?

Our mission is to create a community for moms (and dad's a like) where they can stimulate, nurture and bond with their babies.

We offer a range of group classes which are offered on a weekly basis as well as workshops/talks.

Bub Hub hosts the following group classes:

- Preggy Pilates and Preggy Yoga classes

- Baby Rock Stimulation Classes

- Baby Sign Language courses

- CPR and First Aid Courses (All Levels)

We also host really important and educatinga workshops on a regular basis aimed at empowering moms:

- Ante Natal Classes

- Baby Sleep Workshops

- Starting Solids Workshop

- Infant Reflexology Workshop

- Power of Play Workshops

- Nanny Training

Each Studio has a unique and beautiful Boutique where we stock exclusive, hand picked items for baby and the nursery.

Our services are continually expanding. Follow us on social media to be kept in the loop.​

Photo taken at Bub Hub Broadacres by Nestling Photography!