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Baby Massage Class Rocks!

Our moms just love coming to The bub Hub for their weekly baby massage class!

Not only do they make lifelong friends and swop baby story's and get great advice from other new moms, they learn all the benefits of the wonderful techniqu of Baby Massage.

Some of these many benefits include:

• Provides a special time of communication that fosters love, compassion, and respect • Improves general well-being • Provides an intimate time for children to confide in parents • Improves overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract • Promotes relaxation and helps babies self-regulate calm, which reduces crying • Helps to normalize muscle tone • Improves circulation • Enhances immune system function • Improves midline orientation • Helps to improve sensory and body awareness • Enhances neurological development • Helps baby/child to sleep deeper and more soundly • Helps to increase oxygen and nutrient flow to cells. Improves respiration • Helps to improve pain managament; can relieve discomfort from teething,

• Helps with congestion, gas, and colic • Enhances release of hormones in the body.

• Reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone • Provides all of the essential indicators of intimate parent-infant bonding and attachment: eye-to-eye, touch, voice, smell, movement, and thermal regulation. • Stimulates all of the physiological systems. Massage sparks the neurons in their brains to grow and branch out to encompass other neurons

It is never too late to begin massage. Whether your baby is a newborn or several years old, massage can bring immediate and lasting results. Expectant parents who take infant massage instruction in advance are ready to begin this wonderful loving touch right from the start.

To book a spot email us on


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