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We love our little Yogi's!

We have introduced a lovely Toddler yoga class on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm.

Toddler yoga is run buy our our instructor Natalie who has gained all her experience from practising Toddler yoga in New York.

If your toddler is walking then this is the class for your babe!

Yoga is beneficial to kids in many ways. Because children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts, a dedicated and intentional yoga practice that includes breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures can be incredibly valuable for them. Children can practice anywhere and that the breathing, the concentration, the poses, and the way kids learn to act or react to situations, will lead to constant self-discovery and inquisitiveness.

Plus, yoga is portable, and no mat, special clothing, or special pillow is absolutely necessary.

To book your tot into our next session bookings are necessary!


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