babY BUILDERS course
6 week course
Cost: R1200 per course
Mondays & Tuesdays
9.30am: 4-6mths
11.30am: 6-8mths
1.30pm: 8-12mths
Baby Builders is a holistic baby programme and is so much more than an hour of bonding and
fun activities with your baby each week.
Baby builders works on building baby’s little bodies and wiring their minds.
Each activity is carefully formulated to help your baby reach their milestones and strengthen their entire being.
Wonderful for bonding not only with your own baby but with other like-minded moms.
Socialising your little being.
Activities you learn can be repeated at home.
You learn how to stimulate your baby at each stage of their first year of life
Full body exercises to build and strengthen your baby's body for sitting, rolling and crawling.
Fine motor activities to improve grasping and strengthening the hand muscles as the palmar reflex action is lost.
Brain wiring activities stimulating brain development, eye-movements, focus and eye-hand coordination.
Varied sensory activities and tactile experiences.
Baby massage for bonding, calming and the benefits of positive touch.
Movement to songs and rhymes.
Bonding and socializing.
Body strengthening for balance, crawling and standing.
Working on body position, body positioning in space and vestibular stimulation.
Fine motor activities to refine grasping and letting go, strengthening the hand muscles and improving coordination.
Intellectual activities to promote eye hand coordination, object permanence, learning through exploration.
Sensory stimulation and varied tactile play experiences (messy play).
Socializing with other babies during toy time and texture play.
Song time and instruments.
Encouraging pleasure in movement to music.