Aug 29, 2020Get your Nanny baby ready..Let's upskill your nanny (from the comforts of your home) Lets teach her how to be Baby Ready! This Nanny training course designed by Bub...
Aug 22, 2020Newborn Nurture classes for little BubsNEWBORN Nurture mom & baby ONLINE CLASSES Did you know that baby massage & reflexology can help with your baby's teething and tummy...
Mar 10, 2018Did you know we have the BEST Baby Classes around?Our mission is to create a community for moms (and dad's a like) where they can stimulate, nurture and bond with their babies. We offer...
Feb 27, 2018Mother Instinct Anti-natal ..This course is a must for any expecting parent.. Join Tertia (Midwife/Doula) and Kirsten at Bub Hub Kyalami/Midrand for this very...
Feb 27, 2018BABY ROCK MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT CLASSES..Weekly Baby Rock Stimulation classes provide you with an opportunity for structured play with your little human as well as connecting...
Feb 27, 2018Junior CPR & First Aid - Get your tiny humans ready for an Emergency..Our Junior CPR course was a hit.. They learnt important numbers to call, a whole lot of first aid techniques and most importantly when...